boys running in yellow shirts

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits to being a coach?

As if positively impacting the lives of others, personal growth in yourselves and looking fantastic on that next resume isn’t enough – we offer a monetary benefit to coaching as well. Learn more about coaching for Boys on the Right Track.

Do I have to be a runner if I want to coach?

No you are not required to run with the boys.

Do I have to pay for my own background check and CPR certification?

No we send out a check to your residence for 100% once your background check comes back clean, we also provide CPR training for those not certified.

How old does a coach need to be?

Lead coaches, male or female must be at least 21 years of age. Assistant coaches need to be at least 16 years of age and must be accompanied by a lead coach when working with the boys.

Does my son need previous running experience?

No, BOTRT is an all-inclusive, entry-level program that will support your son regardless of running ability and incorporates proper stretching and running techniques to ensure the participant’s safety.

What is a running buddy?

A running buddy is someone who is at least 18 years old that runs along with, encourages, paces, and mentors the participant positively throughout the 5k event. This can be a parent, relative, neighbor, family friend, or even a Boys on The Right Track volunteer.

What type of background check will they be running?

  • Social Security Number trace for identity verification
  • National Criminal search
  • National Sex Offender Registry search

Is the information I provide on the background check secure?

View Protect Youth Sports’ Privacy Policy.

How many boys can register at each site?

There is a limit of 16 boys per set of 2 coaches.

Is my site required to have a track?

No official track is necessary to host for the boys. Any field or other safe, open space will work; the optimal space should be at least 1/4 mile perimeter.

Will the boys be expected to run in inclement weather?

Parents and caregivers should make sure boys dress appropriately for the weather, as the program will take place rain or shine. We will run in the rain when possible and safe. However, if safety is a concern, program may be held inside – site permitting – or even cancelled. Look to your coach for weather-related updates.

Do you provide snack and water at the race as well as during each class?

We provide healthy snacks and water during the race event for all runners. A snack is also provided at each training session, but participants are asked to come prepared with their own water bottle and running shoes.

What is the cost of the program?

Please contact our executive director Juliet Meade ( for pricing details in your area. The cost of the program includes:

  • Coaches who are Background Checked, CPR certified, and program trained
  • Boys on the Right Track lessons designed to empower boys with skills and healthy habits to last a lifetime
  • A Dri-Fit program t-shirt
  • 5k race registration fee if applicable
  • A race medal
  • Healthy snacks provided at each session
  • Up to 3 hours of physical activity each week

What if I can't afford it?

The Boys on the Right Track organization prides itself on inclusivity and does not exclude anyone from the organization based on financial limitations. We offer multiple financial aid options including a sliding fee structure based off the Federal guidelines for free and reduced lunch as well as payment plan options breaking any payments down into more manageable amounts. We encourage anyone who still finds our program inaccessible after going through the registration process online to contact Juliet Meade directly at 716-316-1789 to discuss further options.

Where is your program offered? Is it limited to the Western NY area?

No we are not limited to WNY; we can provide the program to anyone who has the desire!

The following are a MUST HAVE:

  • A site coordinator, a trained head coach, and an assistant coach
  • A minimum of 6 boys and a maximum of 16 boys
  • Access to a community 5K race or willingness to create your own. We can assist you with this process

Only one coach must be CPR/AED/First Aid certified and we provide training if you need it

Start a site in your area and we will follow up with more information.

If you have any questions not addressed here, please feel free to contact us!

Boys on the Right Track